Building Unity E-book image

Building Unity in the Body of Christ E-Book

Do you want to build relationships with other Christians but just don’t know where to start? Do you want to experience Unity as The Body of Christ?​



Why Bother Building Unity?


Why Does Unity Matter?


Why Should We Gather?


Why Something New?

Unity is Possible

Focus on WHO unites us rather than What divides us!

Author spotlight

Now more than ever, I’m convinced we must be more about building the Kingdom of God than our own denominations 

I do believe, however, building His Kingdom happens better when we are unified.

If you want to build Unity with fellow Christians, read, study, and reflect on the following e-book. It will give you a better understanding of Unity in The Church and give you lots of ideas on how to live it out!

Let’s get started!

Amy Satterfield

Dream Big

What could unity look like in your community?

How can you bring believers together to build The Body of Christ?

Only $5.00

Get a better understanding of Unity in The Church and get lots of ideas on how to live it out in this resource! This e-book includes: