Prayer Prompts for Unity

The first place to start is prayer! Get this free resource guide full of scripture and prayer prompts to help you promote unity in your church or women’s ministry!

Build Unity

Pray for Oneness

Pray for Harmony

Pray for Belonging

Pray for Reconciliation

Prayer is the first place to start

If your team is experiencing division or disunity, this prayer guide will help you:

Now more than ever, God the Father desires for us to be one just as the Father and Son are one. He desires for us to experience such perfect unity so that the whole world will know Him! (John 17). Just as Jesus prayed to the Father that we’d all be one, let us dedicate our teams and ministries to prayer for that same unity!

Amy Satterfield

Readers say

Women of the Way inspires me to be unified with other sisters in Christ!

Karen East

Prayer is the foundation of being one with other believers.

Vanessa Holmon

Build unity with your team or ministry