You would think the lazy days of summer have given me days and weeks of slouching around. You would think I would have all the time in the world to write and post and socialize on media during the hot summer days.
You would think…..
But no, it has actually been a very busy summer!
June is a celebration month for us. All four of my children’s birthdays and my husband’s and my anniversary are all in June. We’ve gone on a few road trips too.
And then, there’s the sleep overs and play dates, not to mention the swim days.
Then, there’s all the eating! Boy, these kids are eating all the time. So, grocery shopping seems to be often. VBS….there’s a week gone right there!
Add to that, I’ve been planning the WoW ReNew Retreat at the beginning of August.
All that to say….I just don’t get to write and post as much as I would like. I have a lot to say, there’s just not enough time or energy left at the end of the day to peck it out, but I’m hoping that’s about to change.
Very soon, I’m going to be back to sharing my thoughts (and hopefully) encouragement through this blog and on another wonderful site! Check out Prayers for Girls where you’ll read some wonderful women sharing their insight on praying for their girls. I am excited and honored to get to join them in a journey to encouraging each other while we raise our girls! Once a month, I’ll be sharing some ideas at P4G, and I hope you’ll continue to read here and join me over there.
So…stay tuned for more from Women of the Way and discover all the great things happening at Prayer for Girls.