Abide in the Vine so you can bear fruit!

Abiding- Allowing Your Seeds to Germinate

Since vacation, I’ve had a hard time getting back into the groove. I’ve had a bit of a hard time getting started again. I’ve been at a loss as to what to write here and what to talk about on social media.

I wonder why? I’ve done all the things we talked about in June. Do you remember what they were?

We talked about different ways to grow the garden of your soul like resting, disciplines, and creating. These elements of your spiritual life will cause your to flourish in your relationship with God and with others.

I’ve done that. I loved it! So, it seems like I should be able to jump back in there and get productive, right? Except I haven’t.

I’m still not ready to grow

Since coming back from vacation, it’s taken me a couple of weeks to get back to all the Women of the Way stuff. There were lots of things I needed to do, wanted to do, and have big plans to do, but I didn’t know where to start or what direction to take. Plus, I just wasn’t ready yet.

Instead of jumping right back into it, I’ve been sitting and waiting. I’ve been thinking, praying, and planning.

In other words, I’ve been germinating.

The seeds that were planted in by my Sabbath resting, spiritual disciples, and the stuff that pours into my spirit have been allowed to sprout and take root.

Just like you can’t force a plant to produce fruit before it germinates, sprouts, takes root and grows, you can’t expect to bear spiritual fruit without thinking, planning, asking for leading and direction from God. Fruit from these disciplines does not come immediately. You’ve got to let them sit quietly in the dark soil of your heart before you can expect them to produce.

In other words, you’re supposed to Abide in the Vine. In the classic King James version, we’re instructed to abide, however, the NIV uses the words remain. John 15:5 reminds us

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:5

We’ve Got to Abide

It’s ok to do the slow, quiet work of allowing the seeds God has planted in you to germinate, sprout, and take root all while you are abiding in Him.

Germinate, Sprout, then Grow

When you do this, you will bear much fruit.

Now that I’ve taken some time to abide, I feel ready to go get stuff done. I feel inspired and motivated, and I hope you do too!

Join us at the WoW Facebook group, as we continue talking about it this week!


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