
I’m sure you’ve heard of the idea of choosing a single word in which to focus and motivate your self for the coming year. Instead of New Year’s resolutions that jump off to a roaring start and then fade when motivation wanes, a special word is a simple, easy concept which guides the choices and direction of the coming year.

I didn’t know if I would come up with a word this year. I didn’t want to force it and end up not really meaning anything. However, one day after Christmas I actually had the house to myself, and I was determined to get some heavy cleaning accomplished. I discovered my word scouring the kitchen.


Those of you know me well and know that my house is full of very active children are also aware of my lacking tidiness skills. You experienced ladies remember those days, right? I mean when the kids were toddlers we were doing good to keep on top of the dishes and laundry and keep a clear path to the door. I\\’m not joking.

Slowly, as the kids get older, we are getting better. But I am so tired of the clutter. Stuff that hasn’t been put away or stuff that doesn’t have a home, so it just piles up. During the Christmas break, I asked myself, “what is keeping me from cleaning the house better?” The answer was clutter. If I didn’t have clutter in the way, I would feel more motivated to keep things cleaner.  Voila! There’s my word for 2015!

I have determined in my heart to go through every part of the house and find a home or get rid of clutter that we no longer need or have a use. I didn’t even care that it wasn’t a very spiritual word for the year.

Or is it?

That makes me wonder….do I have any spiritual clutter? Are there things in my heart or mind clogging my spirit keeping me from connecting to or hearing from God? Have I clouded my mind with thinking that hinders me from finding the right place for truth? Are there emotions piled up around me and getting in the way? Is there plain, old sin cluttering my life?

The thing about clutter is that we get used to it being around so that we stop seeing it. It just becomes part of the decor or the background. It takes fresh eyes and a new perspective to see how clutter actually is taking up so much space and robbing us of energy that could be used for more productive areas.

So, while I am cleaning out closets and toy boxes, shelves and stuffed corners, I also will be asking God to show me the clutter I need to clean out and bring to Him. This might be the more difficult task. We’ll see.

What about you? Is there clutter in your heart or home? Do you have a word for 2015? Share it with us!



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