Friday Finds

I’ve shared several great resources for marriages. If you didn’t check them out, you should. Really. If I share it with you, I’m pretty much saying….”this is awesome”!

However, I realize there is SO MUCH emphasis on marriage and relationships that often those who find themselves single are left waffling in the wake of Cupid’s arrow among all the flowers and cards and chocolate.

If you find yourself in this position, then today’s Friday Find is for you!

Here is a really good article by Propel: Surviving the Relationship Status is a great article reflecting about the single life.

Haven’t heard of Propel?’ve got to check it out!

Propel was started by Christine Caine and is geared towards women in leadership especially in business with professional careers. They send out great videos and articles to encourage women to utilize their gifts and callings to be Christ in the community.

Several articles like this one address issues specifically geared towards women who are single which is often hard to find when so many other resources are focused on marriage and family.

Hope you enjoy it. If you like it, let me know and share it with someone else!


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