I have fallen in love all over again.
Just when I think I know this Jesus and have Him all figured out, He uncovers a new revelation of Himself or brightens a part of Him I had let grow dim.
This past Women of the Way 2015 series He did just that for me again.
I was well aware of how Jesus hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes. Nothing new. However, through contemplating our theme, Women IN the Way, I rediscovered just how much Jesus loved women. Jesus response was always to welcome those of low standing in society. He not only welcomed them, but was drawn to them. He took delight in them. And he was always tender to their needs. We heard stories during our Bible studies about the women who got in the way. The Woman with issue of blood got in the way out of desperation for her own health. Mary got in the way to worship Jesus because he had forgiven her so much and had loved her so much more. The woman at the well whom Jesus had gotten in her way to give her what she had always been looking for in others. There are so many more… Anna the prophet, Widow’s Son, woman caught in adultery.
Woman and after woman, story after story, they were in society’s way. They were in the disciples’ way. The Greek, Roman, and Jewish cultures of the day said that women were basically property, had no rights, and were utterly dependent upon their fathers and husbands. All of us younger gals take granted the opportunities we have now, but back then they had no voice in the public arena.
But Jesus did this radical thing that broke the cultural standard of the day. He raised the status of women everywhere he went. He listened to women, he communicated with women, and he met their needs. He was sensitive and caring, he didn’t treat them like property without thoughts or ideas, but He treated women with respect. He even allowed some women to follow Him and support Him financially! Mary (his mother) was the first person to “carry” the Gospel. Women were the first ones to tell that Jesus was risen from the dead! Jesus loves women!!
I am reminded of the gentleness of his gaze, the understanding way he knew the unspoken words of their hearts, and I am won over again at how He loves me just the same!!
Oh how wonderful, Oh how marvelous and my song will ever be
Oh how wonderful, Oh how marvelous is my Savior’s love for me!!

This spring, as the flowers bloom and the trees burst forth, I pray you are reminded of this same love our Jesus has for you!!!
AMY… I went to the Christian Women’s Club in the 1980s. I was on the board for 4 1/2 years and with the telephone committee for 8 years. The first year I was on the board, I had the Music Ministry and the 2nd time I was on the board, I was on the Book Committee. I had to stay on that one for an extra 6 months until they could find a replacement. I had gone back to work and was unable to attend the monthly meetings. I was in Augusta, Georgia, and not only did we have a monthly luncheon, but we also started a breakfast meeting. It lasted for a while. We then, started one for a night group…. sadly, that did not last. The reason I am writing to you, is that we used a certain Bible, and I cannot remember the translation. Would you happen to know what translation they were using in the 80s?? I was trying to figure it out. I know it was a good translation because it was very easy to read, and people could understand it a little better than the King James version. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with CWC and met several of the missionaries and Ms. Baugh. She and the other lady that started CWC were remarkable and I felt honored to have met her and the missionaries that came to our monthly luncheons.
Hi Nancy!! What an awesome testimony of the CWC! I’m sad to say that I do not know what version they use. However, I personally use the New Living Translation. It is very easy to read and study. I’m sure that’s not the answer you were looking for, but I hope it helps!