Summer Gardening: Soaking in His Presence

The most satisfying experience in all my existence is being the in the presence of God.

Out of all the pleasures that are ours to enjoy….eating, sleeping, playing, satisfaction in completing a task or job, reading, learning, nature, friends, music, art…or even chocolate……none compare to being in God’s Presence. Only the love for a child and the embrace of intimacy even come close.

These God-given, human experiences delight us and make us happy. They are part of the full, abundant life that God delights in giving us. We are content, satisfied, and blessed, but they leave us wanting more. When the experience fades (or the food is digested), the hunger or desire or longing returns, and we want more. It satisfies, but then we must experience it again to be satisfied again.

Being in God’s Presence, however, is not just pleasing to my senses or fills a physical need. Experiencing God touches something deeper than the biological requirements of my body, or the intellectual questions of my mind, or the expressing of my emotions. Being with God satisfies my spirit. Deep within me, at the essence of my being, God’s presence connects with mine.

I am satisfied in a way that is so much more complete than any of those other earthly experiences. I feel whole. I feel I am who I was meant to be.

This deep spiritual satisfaction radiates from my inmost being and rises up in me expressing itself in overwhelming floods of emotion- love, joy, peace, thankfulness. My mind has ideas and thoughts that only come from the wisdom and knowledge of the Holy Spirit so that my questions get answered and guidance is given to my decisions. My body responds with tears and laughter and words that may or may not be understood, and out of me overflows a love for those around me.

Soaking in His Presence, or worshipping God, continues as part of my Summer Gardening. Communing with God’s Spirit is like drinking up, bathing in or, diving deep into water so that’s why soaking seems to be the appropriate gardening imagery. Like a gentle rain on a lazy afternoon, my spirit is saturated and satisfied worshipping God, soaking in His Presence.


Many of us worship God in lots of different ways. For me, though, my primary mode is through music. Singing and playing has a way communicating to God and with God in a way that puts me in that Holy Place like no other. Music is the language that intersects the spirit, mind, and emotions. It fills the room when we are alone and unites the assembly when we are together.

But music isn’t the only way to soak in His Presence. Being in nature, reading, creating, spending time with precious friends or family, communion, reading Scripture are all ways to worship and to soak. Each person is uniquely created to relate to God in a variety of ways.

The mode or method, I’m learning, isn’t as important as the sincerity. Worshipping God doesn’t look the same from person to person as I once used to think. From God’s perspective, He doesn’t need us to worship in any particular fashion. He doesn’t need it in any certain way. I do think, however, the object of our worship should be glorifying to God. A Godly activity that makes us feel good is nice, but are we focusing on who God is and Him being exalted in our lives and in that moment?

The purpose of my summer gardening and soaking is to be intentional and take this extra time I have at home to really pursue God. Like I mentioned in Tending the Soil, those seasons of busyness can take a toll on one’s body and spirit. So, pursuing the silence, solitude, and worshipping in God will deepen the roots of my relationship with Him while He replenishes and renews me.

There’s nothing more satisfying than soaking in His Presence. Check out this video where I’m talking about it on Facebook.

What are the ways in which you were created to worship God?

How do you soak in His Presence?

If you need a little help with your summer gardening, I put together a little e-book with Scripture meditations, reflection questions and a resource list for you! When you sign up, you’ll also get access to other Bible studies and the WoW Newsletter! Sign up here! Hope it helps!


2 thoughts on “Summer Gardening: Soaking in His Presence”

  1. Pingback: Summer Gardening: Rich, Dark Soil – Women of the Way

  2. Pingback: Summer Gardening: A Decision, a Discipline, and a Delight – Women of the Way

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