As the last installment of Mockingjay Part 2 is released upon us, I’m wondering……
How many of us are in our own Hunger Games?
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12
Right now, this moment, we are living the Real Life Hunger Games.
Have you ever felt like Katniss Everdeen fighting for your own survival?

You are doing everything you can to stay on your feet, keep moving, and avoid contact with the enemy. Everything in your soul longs for easier days gone by, to not be caught in this deadly, seemingly hopeless, situation. Even in those “better days”, it was hard enough just to put food on the table and sustain a reasonable existence. But now in some sick, Job-like twist of fate, you’ve found yourself in the fight of your life.
Priorities change when all your energy is focused on getting out of this situation alive. Basic necessities to feed and nourish yourself seem impossible to find. Not to mention, there are others out there tracking you down, attacking you, and trying to snuff you out. And for what? For their own survival. They are playing the Game too.
But remember, “we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies”…..our real enemy is the ruler of this world, the Capitol leader himself…..Satan. He rules this self-made Panem and throws every trick in the book at you. Fire walls blazing, hidden traps set, pitting tribute against tribute…… he knows his game and loves to see the fear flicker in your eyes. You can’t see a way out.
But wait, don’t lose heart. There are some differences between your Real Life Hunger Game and our fictionalized heroine’s struggle.
Far above the deadly arena and outside the reach of the evil Capitol, you have One interceding on your behalf. You have an Advocate pleading for you at the right hand of the Father. He knows exactly what you are going through. He knows every singed and scorched hair on your head. He feels every dehydrated, unwept tear.
And let’s not forget the Comforter. When you are disoriented and confused and so weak with lack of food, water and rest and all you can do is moan, “The Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” Romans 8:26
There is hope.
You will survive.
How? You ask……
Because you have been given everything you need to fight this battle. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” 2 Cor 10:4
The Word
Clothe yourself with these. Arm yourself with these. Nourish yourself with these. And live.
Oh yes…there are little surprises along the way. There are sponsors that are praying for you, sending those silver parachute-packages with never-too-late, Heaven-sent miracles just when you need them. Your sponsors are cheering for you, backing you up, and rooting for you to win, though you may not always be aware of their presence.
My dear precious sister, I don’t know when this Game will end for you. I don’t know if you’ll be delivered through it or delivered out of it. But one thing I believe. Yes, this one thing I know. Just as sure as I believe that Jesus fulfilled the promise of His first coming, just as sure as the Truth of the resurrection rings loudly in my spirit, I believe a trumpet will sound.
Except this real, final trumpet will not announce a rule-change or a death trap by the Evil Announcer. No, this last trumpet will sound as the Father leans over to the Anointed One and say “Son, it’s Time”.

The invisible arena of this earth will be broken and Christ will call us out of these temporal Hunger Games into everlasting joy, peace and love. What was completed on the cross, as the Savior said “It is finished” will be brought full circle. Yes, this will be our final chapter, the ending of our story here…….
Yet, the beginning of our Eternal Story.
So, my sisters…. be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Fight the good fight. And, don’t give up.
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Do you still feel under fire in your areana??
This was awesome! I actually felt like you were one of my “sponsors” and this post was one of those much needed parachute packages. Thank you so much for sharing!
Who needs odds when the Lord is on our side!!