A Modern Psalm

We all need a little pick-me-up, right?

We all need a little something that’s going to charge us up and get us going each day, right?

Sometimes, we need to shake things up a bit in our routines to get us focused back on center. A re-calibration. A reboot.

Join me in a WoW Challenge:

A Month of Psalms!


During the month of October, I challenge you to read 5 Psalms per day and get your heart, mind and spirit focused on our Sovereign God! When you do, it will help you remember that God is in control. He understands how you feel. You’ll be charged up with weapons of praise and thanksgiving!

Here are some ways that you can use the Psalms as you read 5 per day:

Meditate on the Psalms:

Thinking on the ideas, the words, the phrases and letting the images and concepts soak deeply into your mind and spirit. It’s a wonderful way to take your thoughts captive and have the mind of Christ!

Read the Psalms aloud:

If the power of life and death is in the tongue, declare what you are reading in Psalms out loud! God will be honored, and the enemy can’t stand it. Declaring Scripture is an amazing way to use God’s word as your weapon against the enemy!

Express your emotions:

Whether it’s the highest elation or the depths 0f despair, the Psalms contains the rawest of human emotions.

When you feel like you are surrounded by enemies…

When you feel like you can’t go on…

when you feel life can’t any worse…

the Psalms will help you express your honest emotions to God.

You will feel loved and supported when you read over and over “His faithful love endures forever!”

Create your own Psalms:

When you read the entire book of Psalms in a month, you will feel so inspired that you’ll want to create your own expression of how God’s been good to you!

The beauty of being made in God’s image is that we have the ability to be creative just like our Father. So what is it that you are feeling? Write your own Psalm about it!

I’m sure you’ve notice, the book of Psalms contains lots of contributors. They weren’t written by just one person.  So, write your own!

Get Recharged! Get Inspired!

Join me during the month of October reading 5 Psalms per day. Just 5!

Soaking in Scripture every day will help you feel strengthen and focused. On those rough days, you’ll feel like God understands you deepest worries and concerns. The praises will lift you above your circumstances and help you remember that God is sovereign!

Read 5 per day and join me at the WoW Facebook group as we discuss your favorite, most meaningful Psalms!

In the meantime…..here’s my attempt at writing my own Psalm! Share with me your own Psalm as well!

Praise the Lord for a new day full of restored strength and fresh mercy- His Love endures forever!

Give thanks to Him for hugs and kisses and cuddles- His Love endures forever!

For His hand of protection and answered prayer- His Love endures forever!

When family never fails and friends keep you going- His Love endures forever!

He causes spring to bring the flowers, summer to bring the tomatoes, and fall to bring the crisp air- His Love endures forever!

When my soul is dry and my mind is weary- His refreshing Love endures forever!

Even though the appliances die and the truck needs new tires- His providing Love endures forever!

For the longings of my heart that cannot be uttered out loud- His overwhelming Love endures forever!

When I run out of best intentions and they holler “momma!” for the 1000th time- His patient Love endures forever!

His Spirit fills again and His Word speaks again- His incredible Love endures forever!

When I’m soaring high or sinking way down low, His faithful Love endures forever!

No matter how I feel or what may come my way, His complete Love will never let me down and will never, ever end!!!

All glory, honor, and praise be to the King of kings and Lord of lords!

His bountiful, satisfying, perfect Love. Endures. Forever!!!!!!!!


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