Alleluia, Christ is Risen!!

The Lord is Risen indeed! Alleluia!!!

We’ve celebrated the Resurrection. The songs have been sung. Sunday dinner was delicious. The eggs have been  hunted, and we’re enjoying all the chocolate!

Week after week, we do our thing…, live, eat, sleep, wake up, and repeat. Some days are great. Some days the problems of life smack us down. A couple of times a year we pause to reflect on this Christian life. Easter…Resurrection…ok…that’s great. Let’s keep moving. But, is our life reflecting the awesomeness of Jesus Christ alive? The Holy Spirit indwelling us??

The truth is the power of the Resurrection must be living in each of us! Every day!

19 I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power 20 that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 1:19-20

Did you get that? The same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead is for us who believe in him! The same Power that raised The Christ, Messiah from death lives in you and me! Everything changes when I stop long enough to let the truth of it try to sink in.

This is a game changer. This turns living-in-a-rut, day to day survival on its head.

If this same Holy Spirit lives in me, this same “incredible greatness of God’s power” residing in me, then surely I can give unceasingly of myself to my family, give 110% to my occupation, or serve the Church and community around me.

Surely, if Jesus was raised from the dead, then I can forgive those who’ve hurt me or pray for those who disagree with me, or (heaven help me) learn to tame my tongue!

Excuse me for a minute while I lose myself briefly to leap and shout for joy!!! Christ alive and living in…..ME! Alleluia! This is for real, ya’ll!!!


So, yes. We can do this life with its day to day trials and difficulties because we can live in the power of the Resurrection and in the celebration of Pentecost- when we choose it.

Father, no matter how I am feeling today, no matter what my circumstances are today, help me to recognize greatness of Your Power living in me. Fill me fresh with the Holy Spirit so that I may live this life in the power of the Resurrection in Jesus’ Name! Amen!!!


5 thoughts on “Alleluia, Christ is Risen!!”

  1. I find this site very inspirational. We are all more connected to each other than we realize, and our faith and love is a very binding key. It lifts us up and inspires us to keep our eyes lifted up even in the darkest of moments to see each other and the Love of the Lord.

  2. Lorena Henderson

    I missed work yesterday I went to urgent care with a fever of 101.5 I have a ear and sinus infection. Received medication and a shot. I missed three meetings and received about 5 calls after I told them I was sick. Today I called on JESUS to give me strength. This article gave me pause in knowing that I serve a AWESOME GOD and I can get through the day. Thank you Amy for your inspiration today.

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