Getting to know you….Alabama Women Bloggers

I've had a little trouble getting this going....but I'm excited to get to join in!

1.What part of the state do you call home?

I live just across the state line in Flintville, Tn.  Since there isn’t a TN women blogger’s yet, I was graciously added to this one! I grew up in Alabama though and feel it’s my home. Born in Huntsville and we still work and shop there a lot. Plus, the Crimson Tide flows through my veins- RTR!!!

2. How long have you been blogging?

I am a baby blogger. Just started about 6 weeks ago. I’m slowly working on the look and function of my blog.

3. Why did you start blogging?

I began an interdenominational women’s ministry called Women of the Way in Lincoln County, Tn. I began blogging to encourage these women and also to create a “web presence” for this ministry.

4. What is your favorite part of being a member of the Alabama Women Bloggers community?

I love being connected to local bloggers and to know that ya’ll are just a hop, skip and jump away.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years, my children will be entering the teen years, so I’ll be doing a lot of driving getting them here and there.  I’ll still be working as an SLP in public school. But I also hope that Women of the Way will be an established ministry reaching out to women in this area.

6. If you could choose an actress to play you in your life, who would you choose and why?

Lynda Carter. Always loved her as Wonder Woman growing up and of course, she’s gorgeous! I’ve been told once or twice (in my younger years) than I looked like her. I guess I’m still clinging to that fantasy……( wow this ages me)

Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman, displaying her a...
Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman, displaying her ability to deflect bullets using her bracelets. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

7. Name 5 things on your Bucket List that you hope you’ll check off before you die?

Pretty much my entire list can be summed up in traveling all over the world. I would Love to travel.

8. If you could be known for one thing, what would it be and why?

To be a genuine, authentic follower of Jesus and that I’d make a difference in people’s lives.

9. Describe the best moment in your life.

Hands down to date, the birth of my children. I have an 8 yr old and 6 yr old triplets! We struggled with infertility for several years and were blessed with this wild bunch! Having kids has been the most trying and yet the most joyful thing I have ever experienced!

10. If you could “be” anything (no consequences, no fear), what would you “be”?

A world famous singer, for sure. I’ve always loved performing and singing.

11. What or who inspires you to blog?

I’m inspired by a mixture of things….reading, reaching out to others, but mostly, I am inspired by what God is teaching me in my own life. I hope I can take that and translate it into a form that other’s identify with.

12. We’re headed to your neck of the woods… what restaurant would you recommend?

Well, there is nothing in Flintville, Tn other than the mini-mart.  In Huntsville, though, most of our restaurant excursions revolve around where kids eat free. I can share those with you if you want.

However, on the rare occasion my husband and I dine alone, I love Little Italy’s in Providence, Ol’ Heidleburg’s on University Dr, and my husband loves Beauregard’s on Airport Rd.  Oh but my favorite would be the Melting Pot at BridgeStreet! I get out there about once a year with my girlfriend.

13. What’s a southern tradition you and your family have?

Pinto beans, sweet corn, fried squash and okra, cornbread with butter and honey and sweet tea. Yum!

14. If you could pick your favorite blog post from your blog this year, what would it be?

A Lesson in Silence….

15. We all love social media, tell us your links so we can follow you!

Looking forward to getting to know some of you!

Amy (Women of the Way)

6 thoughts on “Getting to know you….Alabama Women Bloggers”

  1. Triplets… WOW! So happy to have you a part of our blogging community. Thanks for linking up with us and sharing part of your life with us. We love learning more about the blogger behind the blog!

  2. Very nice to meet you! Here’s hoping you don’t get bothered too much by the TN fans as an Alabama fan up there. We’ve got friends in TN that have some serious ragging going on when the two teams play. Ha!

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