How is God Speaking to You?

We’re still savoring the last bits of the Christmas season even as the new year has already begun. I may be slow in getting the Christmas stuff rolling after Thanksgiving, but once I’m in Christmas mode, I try to hang on to it for as long as possible. So, we just put away our tree and decorations on this weekend. We’re finishing up the last of the yummy Christmas snacks and treats and enjoying some football!

God communicated in specific ways

While we’re packing up festivities and wiping the slate clean for this new year, one thought has been brewing in my mind. As I contemplated the birth story of Christ this season, a fresh revelation stirred in my heart. As I thought about all the people involved in the birth of Jesus and the parts they contributed to his story, it occurred to me how God communicated to each one in a different and specific way in order to involve them in their part of this plan established before the foundations of the world.

Photo by Vinu00edcius Vieira ft on

Each Player in the Nativity had a Special Part

An angel visited Zachariah during his priestly duties.

An angel visited Mary.

Joseph had dreams to take Mary as his wife and to flee to Egypt.

A chorus of angels sang to the shepherds.

Simeon and Anna studied the Scriptures and experienced God’s presence.

The Magi studied astronomy to follow the star.

God Drew Each Person Individually

Even though the single mission for Christ to be born was the primary goal, God still drew each player into his/her part in such unique ways tailored to each individual person. He knew Mary was going to need a direct visit from a heavenly being, but He also knew Joseph would respond to dreams. While He revealed a choir of heavenly hosts for the shepherds, He enticed the Magi through their study of the stars. Each played their own part in the bigger story, but God drew each of them in divinely unique ways.

God orchestrated the global redemption plan while at the same time communicating in individually and intimately with each person in the plan. I stand amazed!

God is still working like that for you and me today.

He will speak to you and draw you in ways that are unique and special just for you. He will do whatever it takes to draw you to Himself. Of course, He will speak through the obvious methods of Scripture (which He will never contradict) and sermons, but He’ll also speak to you through songs and books. God will draw you through people who share their wisdom, advice, and encouraging words. 

Photo by Luis Quintero on

Just like the Magi who were drawn to worship the Christ child as outsiders and foreigners, God will use the most unlikely things to draw your attention to Him. He’ll do whatever it takes.

He is doing this for you too!

How did God speak to you in 2020? What were the obvious and not so obvious ways He drew you to Himself?

How is God speaking to you in this new year?

I’d love to hear your story!

Join me at the WoW Facebook page or join the WoW Facebook group for more discussions!

Happy New Year!


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