I Know You

Dear Beloved,

I see you.

Yes, I see your prayers, your effort, and your good intentions. I see your desires and how you are waiting for things to take shape. I see your disappointments and your failures. I see every act of kindness, every act of service, and even when you hold your tongue. And yes, I also see every impatient word, every selfish motive, and every unholy thought. I see each act of wood, hay, or stubble, and I see every act of gold, silver, and precious stone.  I see you.

I know you.

I know your joys and what makes your heart soar. I know your dreams- the ones that have come to pass, the ones that are blooming, and even the ones that are a whisper in your heart. I know because when I knit you together I planted them there. I know your insecurities too. I know that you may look put together on the outside, but that little girl on the inside is unsure about everything. Yes, I know you.


I love you.

Hear me…..I love you. My Beloved, you must understand much I love you…no wait…I adore you! I love your strengths and skills. I love the way you’ve grown over the years. I even love the goofs you’ve made with a pure heart. Those are often the most precious to me. But, don’t ever think for a second that any mistake could make me love you less. My love will never change. I love you.

So, while you may sometimes wonder where I am, or if anything will ever change, or if any of it does any good……just remember:

I see you. I know you. I love you.

With All My Heart,

Abba Father


1 thought on “I Know You”

  1. Pingback: To Be Fully Known – Women of the Way

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