Living Water

Water is amazing.

Water serves us as one of the most perfect gifts God has ever created on this earth. Think about it. It nourishes and hydrates- we drink it to live. It cleanses and heals- we wash to be clean. Water is comforting and relaxing. I am reminded how wonderful water is as I’m floating in my friend’s pool and all the tension in my body melts away. Even a simple fountain with trickling water soothes my mind and helps me breathe deeply. Aaaaahhhhh….can you just hear it?

But water is also powerful.

My family and I went hiking to a cave recently in the hills of Tennessee. It was a beautiful trail, a bit rocky at times though as I huffed and puffed my way down the path. When we finally reached the opening of the huge cave, waves of cool air hit us in the face as a reward for the long journey. A small creek was flowing out of the cave trickling down over several levels of boulders and rocks into a nice running stream. Taking off my shoes and wading in the chilly water, I was refreshed and renewed (no, I didn’t drink it. I learned that lesson the hard way many years ago).

I began to notice how all the rocks were shaped differently by the water. Some rocks were smooth and rounded. Some rocks had been hollowed out like perfect bowls. Some rocks had jagged or sharp edges made by the water. Flowing water had even carved out this cave.

The same water that can nourish and relax has the power to shape rock.

We have been given a similar gift. We have been given the promise of Living Water.

Water splashing over rocks.

Jesus tells us in John 7:38-39 “Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” 39 (When he said “living water,” he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him. But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into his glory.)”

The Holy Spirit that Jesus is speaking of fills us and flows out of us like a river. The Spirit comforts like a float in a calm pool. The Spirit cleanses like a long, hot bath. The Spirit refreshes like wading in a cool spring. When we drink of this water, we will never thirst again.

Yet, there is one difference between the Living Water and the H2O stuff all around us. While the Holy Spirit is powerful enough to topple a city or sweep out a town like a flood or tsunami, He will never, ever over take you. He will never force or flood you more than you can handle or desire.


Like the slow, steady trickle from a cave spring, the Holy Spirit can take those rough, rocky places in our hearts and smooth out the edges, hollow out the stone and shape into us  a cave that only God can fill.

“Come to this water, there is a vast supply. There is a river, that never shall run dry.”

Come, drink- and be satisfied.



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