Seek Christ

So many people are living in difficult and painful situations.
So much unrest and upheaval in such a short period of time.
So many changes and so much weirdness.

There are so many voices and so many opinions out there right now, I don’t want to add to the clutter or the noise.
I”ve been quietly seeking the Lord for what to say. How to encourage.

The answer was there all along in my own WoW tagline….Who Unites Us, Not What Divides Us.
Here’s what that means to me:
Seek Christ. All of us need to seek Christ.
Whenever we get our eyes off of Him, we get off course.

No matter what you have experienced in the last 6 months, seek Christ.
No matter your medical, political, religious, financial, historical, or whatever else persuasion, We. Must. Seek. Christ.


There’s a line in the book of common prayer that says “we have not loved You with our whole hearts.”
When that happens, we always are lead off course.

Seek Christ.
Individually, for ourselves.
Corporately, with each other.
United, for each other.

As Women of the Way, that means I will be committed to encouraging you to become “passionate, devoted followers of Christ” and to build Unity in the Body of Christ as we focus on Who unites us, not What divides us!

When we all seek Christ, He will reveal in each of us how He desires us to become more like Him.
For some, that will mean repentance.
For some, that will mean healing.
For some, that will mean forgiveness

For all, that will mean a greater love and unity as we are becoming the Body of Christ.

However He responds to you, follow Him and obey.

I encourage you to read 1 & 2 Peter. It’s amazing how those letters address issues we are dealing with today. I’d love to hear your thoughts and what’s God saying to you.
Would you like to join me in an online study of 1 & 2 Peter? Join the Women of the Way TN as we start this study next Sunday night!
Reply to this email and tell me how you are seeking God and what He says to you.
Let me know if you want to study together!


2 thoughts on “Seek Christ”

    1. Hi Tammy! My original thought was to start last Sunday, but then I decided I wasn’t ready yet. So, I’m beginning this Sunday evening at 7pm! Read the first chapter of 1 Peter and I’ll be live on the WoW Tn page. Then during the week, we’ll have a few questions and discussions in the WoW group! Hope you join us!

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