revelation dawning like a sunrise

Start a New Journey to Unity

Last week, we discovered how The Epiphany is vitally connected to each epiphany in all our lives.

Sometimes, we receive a bright, white lightbulb moment- a sudden revelation- like a truth blinding in its brilliance.

Other times, the epiphany is more like a sunrise- a growing, gradual revelation, an ombre of colors from darkness to deep purple to soft pink then coral, peach, and orange until daylight dawns, and the truth shines in broad daylight.

Drawn to Unity

I feel that kind of daylight epiphany dawning in my spirit.

I’ve always been drawn to unity in the Body of Christ. It’s why I began Women of the Way.

I feel I’ve been uniquely equipped to building unity because of my church experiences, and it’s been my desire to attempt to grow unity in our community. Many of you have contributed along the way.

Unity is something we probably agreed that we all want and need, but we’re not exactly sure how to go about obtaining it.

Unity is something we all say we want, but it’s not the topic of very many conferences, books, or studies.

Unity is not at the top of the best seller lists in Christian Living books or authors.


Unity is Not Easy

Because the pursuit of unity is hard.

It’s easy to see the MANY roadblocks and hinderances to unity in the Church. And, when we see these roadblocks, it’s just easier to focus attention on some other worthwhile pursuit in Christian circles.

But I can’t get away from it. I can’t turn my head and walk away. I can’t pretend a light hasn’t sparked in my soul.

The Mission of the Church

How can we read where Jesus prayed one of His essential prayers to the Father that we all be one and that the world will be drawn to Christ because of our unity and not try to obtain it?

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

John 17:20-23

From these verses alone, the primary mission and vision of the Church and of each local congregation should be building unity in the Body of Christ.

Start a New Journey to Unity

My epiphany that’s been dawning in me like a growing sunrise was sparked by Francis Chan’s book, Until Unity.

This book and accompanying study have challenged me to examine what I believe unity really is and why we aren’t getting any better at it. This book helped me to see my own limits and hinderances to the unity that say I desire.

As a result, I want to start a new journey to unity.

I want to explore, study, define, and discover what unity in the Body of Christ really means and what it really looks like so we can really display it the way Jesus intended when He prayed to the Father.

This means changes are on the way. This means I will be writing, posting, and inviting you into different conversations.

Will you join me?

Imagine what it will be like to build unity with people in your local church and other relationships. What would it be like to build unity with believers from different church and denominations despite your differences and beliefs you don’t have in common? Imagine a unity so pure and strong that people from all over are drawn to the Church and long to become part of the Bride!

I’m not even sure what this will look like or how we will accomplish it!

But, I feel the light of hope dawning in me….a manifestation of Jesus Christ….an epiphany, my ‘A-ha’ moment!

Will you join me on this Journey to Unity?

Join me over at the WoW Facebook group and we’ll continue the conversation there!

Stay tuned….


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