It takes a lifetime to delight in God.
In my effort to live for Him, the struggle against my flesh to do the disciplines I know I’m supposed to do isn’t always easy.
I wrote back in the summer about discipline turning into delight which has been a beautiful journey. Like any relationship it takes intentional thought and practice to delight in someone. With learning any skill, it takes practice and work to develop habits for a quality spiritual journey. It’s worth it because, you know, it’s God.
Sometimes, I’m trying so hard to do Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourselves in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” that I forget something critical. God delights in me too!
I get so wrapped up in myself being the one who is loving God with all my heart that I lose sight of the fact He takes way more delight in loving me!
God delights in me.
In my humanity, I’m trying to work for God’s love and acceptance. So, in my effort to make Him happy with me, I strive to do all the things I’m supposed to do.
Ok, I’ve got to read my bible because if I don’t, God won’t like it. I’ve got to pray or God won’t like it. I’ve got to go to church or God won’t like it. I’ve got to live right or God won’t like it.
But God is not like that.
God doesn’t withhold his favor until I do all the right things waiting for me to get in line in order for Him to be happy. No….
God delights in me.
When I pray , God is delighted. When I say pure words (Prov 15:26), God is delighted. When I have integrity or am honest , God’s happiness for me bubbles over.
I don’t have to earn His favor. Instead, He cheers for me when I heading in the right direction.
I see it the same as with raising children. I don’t want my kids to do their chores because if they don’t I’m gonna be mad. I want to cheer for them when they’ve done their chores because it was the good and right thing to do. See the difference?
But that’s exactly what they’ve learned from me. “Uh oh, momma is gonna get mad if we don’t get it done”, and it’s obedience based out of fear.
It’s the same way with us and God. “Uh-oh, if I don’t do this, God isn’t gonna like it, and He’s gonna be mad at me.” We’ve got to obey or it’s going to get ugly.
Reading in Proverbs, there are so many verses that state how God delights in us. He delights in us when we pray (Prov 15:8), He delights in us when we are honest (Prov 12:22), He delights in us when have integrity (Prov 11:20).
Finally, I see His loving perspective. God is cheering for me when I do those things that are good for me and that draw me closer to Him. He’s not waiting to zap me.

Is this you?
Are you striving to do right and live right so as not to make God mad or upset?
Here’s the truth: God delights in you. He’s not waiting for you to get it right so He can delight in you. He already does.
And when you do those right and good things that we’re supposed to do as good Christians, you aren’t earning His Favor. He is already cheering for you!

Take heart-
For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17
How does this change your spiritual disciplines? How does this change your motivation to seek God?
I hope this encourages you like it has me!
If you could use some help, check out this Bible study, “3 Signs You Need to ReNew Your Ministry” Even if you don’t have a ministry, it talks about pursuing and seeking God with all your heart. By signing up, you’ll get the WoW monthly newsletter! Sign up here!
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So good Amy! Reblogging! We can not be reminded enough of God’s delight in us!??????