What is God’s Perspective of Your Ministry?

Imagine you are looking down from the top of a very tall skyscraper. The view is amazing! You can see for miles. When you look down, what does it look like way down there on the street?

The cars and people all look the same. They are moving and bustling about, but they all look like the same size.


That’s what I imagine my attempts at ministry seem to God.

From my own small perspective, I may be tempted to think that some of my ministry pursuits are really important, really big, and really impressive. Then, others are very small, no big deal in their reach and impact.

Used to, I would believe that hosting or leading or headlining a big women’s conference with an awesome venue and lots of people from all over the region meant I had really made it big. I had finally reached ‘real’ ministry status. It was the yardstick by which I was measuring my Kingdom contribution.

Any attempt at ministry on a smaller scale was good but just not as important or impressive. Those smaller efforts in Kingdom building were stepping stones to bigger and better- a wider reach of influence.

My measuring stick of ministry was focused on numbers, influence among people, and their responses. Bigger and better ministry surely meant more powerful and more effective results in which God would surely be very pleased and impressed.

I may not have said it out loud, but this was my hope!

Through the years, though, God has lovingly shown me that from His point of view all ministry is equal. All pursuits in Kingdom building are equally important to HIm. All Kingdom building is effective no matter the size or reach.

From my “google street level”, a Billy Graham sized event surely is way more important than a conversation with a friend. Maybe an audience with kings and leaders is more effective than attending to a small child with special needs.

man standing beside his wife teaching their child how to ride bicycle
Loving the little ones matters to God!

Often, my human point of view causes me to use inferior qualities (numbers, responses, likes) to measure success because I want to impress people or make a name for myself. However, God sees the heart of the person at each of those encounters, and His measure of success is the changing of each heart.

From God’s “google earth” perspective, all our attempts at ministry and Kingdom building are the same size and of equal importance to Him just like the view from that skyscraper. All ministry matters. From God’s point of view, our efforts to reach the masses matter just as much as our efforts to reach the one. From the least to the greatest, all Kingdom building is important to God because it’s all for His Glory! 


Any kind of ministry is equal in importance to God even if it’s different in execution. Of course, there are differences in ministry when it comes to preparation, energy output, and performance. Different ministries require different levels of training and skill to accomplish them effectively. But they are all equal in importance to God!

I am so thankful for the Body of Christ in which God equips and outfits each member of His Body to be the ministers of love to this world! We need every single part of His Body to do his or her part!

Do you ever find yourself thinking, “What I do for God doesn’t really matter” or “I can’t wait until I do something really important for God”?

No matter what you do to make the most of this day, and no matter how you will make it through the day, your ministry is of significant importance to God! He’s cheering for you as you build His Kingdom and make a difference for eternity!

Tell me about your ministry! What makes you feel like you are making a real impact on the world around you? Jump over to the WoW Facebook group and tell me what you think!



1 thought on “What is God’s Perspective of Your Ministry?”

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