Why Women of the Way Should Take a Rest

An Amazing Ride

For 10 amazing years, we’ve gathered in churches with women all over Lincoln County, Tennessee and even spilling over into the northern portion of Alabama.

We’ve explored, I’m pretty sure, almost all the women of the Bible hearing from all kinds of women speakers sharing their hearts and knowledge.

We’ve discovered ministries and outreach organizations as we’ve support their efforts at serving the community.

We’ve met at all kinds of churches, met new friends, worshipped with all kinds of singers.

Like I said, it’s been an AMAZING ride!

However, it’s time Women of the Way should take a rest.

Just like in winter, a tree shuts down all production of any outward exposition. It seems as though nothing is happening. But that’s not true.

Actually, there’s a lot going on inwardly. Deep inside, the tree is resting, shoring up, and making preparations for the coming season of growth. It’s a necessary season.

So it is with Women of the Way.

We’ve been so very productive for 10 years, and I believe, God is calling WoW into a time of rest to determine what the next season will be.

As I’ve shared recently in Start a New Journey to Unity, reading the book Until Unity by Francis Chan has had a huge influence on me. So, I’m reading it again, digesting is slowly, allowing it to soak into my roots in order to discover how we can go deeper into unity.

So, this year, Women of the Way will take a rest just like that tree in winter. However, that does NOT mean Women of the Way is going away.

Staying Connected

I’ll still be hanging out in the WoW Facebook group.

I’ll still be sharing good stuff in the newsletter and emails.

I’ll still be sharing what I’ve learned in blogposts like these about the Trinity and the Importance of Unity.

So Women of the Way will not be meeting in person this year. However, there is one thing I’d like to invite you to.

Please join me in prayer.

Would you join me on Monday, March 14th at 7:00pm Central by zoom call for a 30 min online prayer gathering?

We’re going to pray for your church, your community, and the entire Body of Christ. You can sign up here to get all the details and the link to the zoom call.

Please join us as we pray for unity like never before!


2 thoughts on “Why Women of the Way Should Take a Rest”

  1. Amy,
    So honored to have experienced this AMAZING ministry. I can’t wait to see the level up!
    In Christ,
    Wanda N Walker

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