Unity Even When You Disagree

6 Small Steps Towards Building Unity

SmalIer is Actually Better

It’s human nature to want to change the world by a grand global movement. We think the bigger, more impressive statement we make, the bigger impact we’ll have in the world. “Go Big or Go Home”. “Bigger=Better”

Just like Peter at the Transfiguration, we want to build a grand monument to commemorate the importance of this occasion which will surely draw a crowd!

However, in God’s economy, smaller is actually better. From His perspective, He can take something small and do mighty things! “Little is much when God is in it!”

Think about these small beginnings:

The boy with the 5 loaves and 2 fish

Young David leaving the fields to fight a giant

Gideon leading an army

Jesus being born in a humble manger

God specializes in starting small to create amazing results.

Unity Must Start Small

Building unity is no different. We (I) want everyone to get on board with an agenda that draws the masses. Surely, if we plan something great enough, they will all come and unity will result. In all honesty, that’s what I hoped Women of the Way would do. If we bring people together with one purpose to build unity, then we can make it happen.

But as I finished this deep dive into Francis Chan’s book, ‘Until Unity’ (yes, I’m actually reaching the end of our study!!!), I agree with his conclusion- bigger is not better. Unity must start small.

Unity must start so small, in fact, that it starts with you. Actually, It starts WITHIN you!

Here are 6 ways unity can start in you:

Start with just you and God– Unity does not start with those guys over there, with them, or someone else. Unity must begin with you asking God “How can I build more unity?”

Repent– Spend time marveling at the mystery of oneness with God and repenting of pride and divisiveness. Deal with the log in your own eye instead of the speck of dust in someone else’s (Matthew 7:2-4)

Abide– Learn what it means to abide in the Father, because apart from Him you will not bear fruit. (John 15:4-5). What will bring God the most glory is not a well attended event or even a great, well planned function, but rather all of us showing the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control which is evidenced from abiding with the Father.

Pray for eyes to see– Ask Him to help you see the people around you through His eyes. It’s only through seeing people the way God does that we can then love them enough to build unity.

Examine your marriage– This suggestion may seem a bit odd. However, since our marriages are supposed to represent the union between Christ and the Church, we need to examine if unity exists in our marriages and how it can be better. A unity that will draw all people to Christ begins in unity with your spouse!

Think about your specific church family– When I think about all the letters Paul wrote to churches in New Testament times, and how he constantly encouraged them to love each other and to be in harmony with each other, it’s amazing to think about the power of each local congregation. If each small church or collection of believers would build the unity Paul calls us to, and then as those pockets of believers are sprinkled all over the world, the Body of Christ would build the Kingdom of God! Unity will grow one small church at a time.

We Have Everything We Need

Our challenge: what are you going to do build unity everyday in you. In the people in your circle? And in your church?

This kind of unity is possible because we know it’s God’s desire and His design for the Body, and He’s given us all the power we need to accomplish it through His Spirit. We have everything we need with all the promises of His word to keep us on track.

How can you make a small step towards unity?


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