Moving Forward: 3 Ideas to Pursue Unity

We’ve laid the foundation. We’ve framed the structure. We’ve understood the character of God’s nature.

We’ve discussed the ‘why’ of unity and it’s importance to God. (Follow those links to catch up on any posts that you’ve missed!)

So, my next question is ‘how’?

How do we do this? How do we begin? How do we actually pursue unity?

Of course, there’s no 5 step process to guaranteed unity! If there was, the Church would have established it by now. Also, assuming that unity begins with you, we’ve also taken care of the inward characteristics needed for each person to pursue unity.

Let’s Move Forward 

Here are 3 ideas to pursue unity in your ministry or congregation

Christ-centered Worship

Have you ever been in a worship service where the music was awesome, everyone was singing, and God’s presence was thick and heavy? It doesn’t matter if it’s traditional or contemporary music. There doesn’t even have to be instruments involved. Everyone together worshiped Jesus, and He was and is the center of attention. There’s no other feeling like it to experience the corporate oneness in a worship setting like this!

Have you ever noticed that when Christ-centered, coorporate worship services happen, that it’s just easy to love people? I’ve been in these type of services where once the service ends, I just want to hug everybody!! Everyone seems to glow with the presence of Jesus, and the unity just flows. If you’ve never experienced a worship service like this, please find one!

Oneness through a Single Mission

Have you ever had a common goal, event, or project that everyone took part in? And, when you did, you felt this oneness with the team?

Having a common goal is a great way to bring people together to pursue unity. Everyone has their part and using their individual skills to contribute to the common good. Through the common task, relationships are built with the team, and people develop a sense of belonging. Love grows as well as friendships blossom. Then, when the goal is achieved, everyone wins in the shared the success! Everyone benefits from the blessing that comes from working together to achieve something for the Kingdom!

The beauty of oneness through a single mission is that there are hundreds of ways that your church can minister to and serve the community. I remember a Christmas play in my church in 2015. Being part of that play helped me to feel part of my church family. We’ve held community yard sales and crafts fairs. I’ve been part of conferences and retreat weekends like Cursillo and Kairos where being on the team or contributing to the mission really helped me to feel a close bond with the other people.

Not to mention our own Women of the Way series, right?

What is your God-led, Holy Spirit powered mission that you can all get behind? Remember, It’s not just about the event/ministry/thing you do- the result or outcome is not the ultimate goal. However, the deeper relationship/family/oneness is the goal through that thing you do together.

Coming together for a single mission will really bring people into unity.

The Power of Prayer

Prayer has a unique and powerful way of bringing people together. Through prayer, people can’t help but be united and love each other because praying together is so intimate and personal. When you pray for someone’s family or their health or job, you can’t help but be personally invested in their life. When you approach Heaven’s Throne with someone or on behalf of someone, you can’t help but be connected and united with them.

When we get together for the Prayer zoom calls, this is exactly what happens! Simply praying God’s Word and focusing Jesus will bring people together! I hope you can join us for the next one!

Get the Focus Off Ourselves

All three of these paths to unity have something in common- they get people’s focus off of themselves and focused on God and others. In worship, we are focused on Jesus. In missions, we are focused on building Jesus’ Kingdom. In prayer, we are focused on communicating with Jesus. Whenever we get the focus off ourselves and onto Jesus, unity will flow!

I would love to hear examples of how you are building unity through worship, missions, and prayer in your church or ministry. Please a comment here or join us at the WoW Facebook group to keep the discussion going!


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