It’s that time of year again! Women of the Way 2017 is one month away!!!!!

This year’s theme will be The King is Coming!! 

I know….it’s a bit different from what we’ve done in the past. Usually, we study certain women in the Bible. We’ve learned so many valuable lessons from the best women in the Bible.

However, this year I feel this urgency the Church needs to be about Kingdom business. So much is going on around the world and around us that we’ve got to get outside the walls of our building and be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Christ’s Second Coming is a principal doctrine in the Christian faith. Now granted, there’s wide variety of teachings and beliefs about when, where, how all this might take place. Whether its spoken in the creeds or sung about in heart-warming hymns, Jesus’ Return is a central part of our faith.

We won’t be talking so much about the doctrinal interpretations or teachings about the Jesus’ Return, but we will be talking about how the Church needs to ready!

The Body of Christ needs to prepare to be the Bride of Christ!!

In other words……we’re getting ready for the Great Wedding Feast!!!

We’ll be talking about:

-Watching and Waiting, Matt 24 by Amy Satterfield at Hope Assembly

-Wise and Unwise Bridesmaids, Matt 25 by Trish Pierson at Fayetteville Cumberland Presbyterian

-Dressed and Ready, The Bride of Christ, by Tammy Johnson at Fayetteville United Methodist Church

-The Wedding Feast by Debbie Woodward at Washington Street Church of Christ


Now more than ever, I feel so strongly about the Church being more unified than ever before. In a world of division, The Church needs to be One in the Spirit and One in the Lord, and we’ve got to show the world that we are One by our Love.

So, I hope to see you there so we can  focus on Who Unites Us rather than What Divides Us!!

Join the Facebook event here.

I ask you to spread the word, invite, and share with your church and your friends because word of mouth is the best way to get women together!


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